Monday, 2 February 2015


One month into all those ‘get fit’ New Year resolutions, I thought I’d share the techniques that I use to keep myself motivated during a workout. No more fading away, girls! Make your fitness fierce this February.

Image source Sport England: This Girl Can

1. Small goals
Have small goals within your workout. Work on timings instead of reps. Set yourself a certain number of seconds and complete as many reps as you can in that time. The next time you do the same exercise, aim to beat the number of reps you did last time. It’s worth keeping a little training diary to keep an eye on your progress (find some great ones here.)

Tabata is a great way to work on this. It consists of 20 seconds work, then 10 seconds rest, eight times (that's one set.) You’ve got to give it everything you’ve got in those 20 seconds ‘on’ though. The 10 seconds rest is really to get in position for your next movement.

For example, in my 20 seconds ‘on’ period, I’ll do as many press-ups as I can, then when I get round to press-ups again, I’ll aim to increase the number of press-ups I do by 1 or 2. Just ensure your form and posture isn’t compromised.

Tip: There’s a free app that I use for Tabata timings, funnily enough named ‘Tabata Timer’. It’s my go-to workout for when I haven’t pre-planned my session.

2. Move to the rhythm
This might be using the music you’re listening to or the rhythm in your head. Be consistent and keep it up.

3. Focus on breathing
This is a technique I learnt in yoga, and have since applied to other forms of exercise. Rather than focusing on the movement you’re doing, focus on your breathing and visualise your body moving with each breath. If it’s possible, take long, deep breaths innnnn aaaand ouuuuut. I’ve found this particularly effective when I’m sprinting in spin.  Once I've started sprinting my attention is diverted onto my breathing whilst my legs continue moving at the same sprinting pace.

4. Visualise your muscles
Construct an image in your mind of the individual muscles contracting and focus on them. You might imagine what they look like inside your body, or focus on what they look like as they tense on the outside. Slowing reps down or closing your eyes to do this may help visualisation at first. Body builders call it mind-muscle connection. 

5. Embrace a positive attitude
A positive mindset is empowering. If you imagine yourself doing it, you will do it. Failure is not an option. Our bodies will push to limits we didn’t know were possible. Treat yourself with respect and celebrate your triumphs. You can do anything you put your mind to if you work hard enough. It starts with saying ‘I can’. Restrict yourself from radiating any negative energy. No moaning, just doing (sorry Nike).

6. Have positive forces around you
Surround yourself with positive people and people who’ll push you, just like you’ll do for them. Belief is all you need. On a personal note, I’m lucky that my boyfriend wants to train with me. When he’s there, it pushes me harder as I want to prove to him, as well as myself, that I can do it. 

Image source Sport England: This Girl Can

7. Count down
Give it everything humanly possible in the last 10 or 20 seconds of an exercise. Make sure you’ve earned your rest. The period where you feel like you can’t go on anymore is usually the bit that counts. When the final 10 second countdown begins, I find myself working harder, faster and stronger. The countdown is often the last boost I need to dig deeper.

8. Focus on yourself
Don't compare yourself to others. Every single person is different, no matter how much, little, or no experience they’ve had. Don’t feel disheartened when you can't keep up with others. Push yourself to exceed your limits. Despite that, a little competition can go a long way. If someone’s pushing you to go harder than you would normally and you can handle it, go for it!

9. Finally, own your game face!
Check out your sweaty self in the mirror. Weirdly satisfying, right? Seeing yourself working hard actually increases productivity. Plus, you can keep a check on your form and posture.

No-one’s game-face is attractive, but hard work, positivity and a hot bod at the end of it all, is. Own the gritted teeth, red face and sweat and you’ll be well on your way to achieving your goals.

The majority of these tips are about focusing. Although it’s physical, exercise has a lot to do with a positive mindset. So, on your next workout, try connecting your mind and body to achieve results. Sounds hippyish, but it works.

Have you got any motivational workout tips that you use? If you do, share them in the comment box below, or try some of these and let me know how you get on.

I’m not an expert in fitness or health. This is just what I’ve learnt in the time I’ve been training. Not all of these can be applied to every type of exercise all of the time, but they might help to push you that little bit harder. Good luck in your fitness journeys and have fun with those endorphins! 


  1. Top Article Soph, keep it up 👌

    1. Thanks Brad! Appreciate it :) Will do!

  2. I need all the motivation I can get when it comes to exercising and working out. I am going to bookmark this page and refer to it when I'm lacking in motivation! x

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